Oscillation of third-order delay difference equations with negative damping term

Martin Bohner, Srinivasan Geetha, Srinivasan Selvarangam, Ethiraju Thandapani


The aim of this paper is to investigate the oscillatory and asymptotic behavior of solutions of a third-order delay difference equation. By using comparison theorems, we deduce oscillation of the difference equation from its relation to certain associated first-order delay difference equations or inequalities. Examples are given to illustrate the main results.


Third-order delay difference equation; comparison theorems; oscillation; asymptotic behavior

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/a.2018.72.1.19-28
Date of publication: 2018-06-25 09:04:03
Date of submission: 2018-06-24 16:43:54


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Copyright (c) 2018 Martin Bohner, Srinivasan Geetha, Srinivasan Selvarangam, Ethiraju Thandapani