Titanium dioxide/silver nanoparticle bilayers prepared in self-assembly processes

Julia Maciejewska, Magdalena Oćwieja, Zbigniew Adamczyk, Elżbieta Bielańska, Bogna Napruszewska


A new method for the preparation of TiO2/Ag bilayers via colloid
self-assembly process using well-characterized titanium dioxide and silver suspensions was developed. The titanium dioxide nanoparticles, forming a supporting layer, were 46 nm in diameter, exhibiting an isoelectric point at pH 6.4. The silver nanoparticles, forming an external layer of the diameter of 50 nm were prepared via a chemical reduction method with the presence inorganic phosphate salts. The electrophoretic mobility measurements revealed that the zeta potential of silver nanoparticles was highly negative for a broad range of pH and ionic strengths. By explaining this information, the optimum condition for the silver nanoparticle immobilization on TiO2 supporting layers were selected. The coverage of the first layer was adjusted by ionic strength of the suspensions and by the deposition time. Afterward, the silver nanoparticle monolayers of controlled coverage were deposited under the diffusion-controlled transport. Their coverage was determined by a direct enumeration of deposited nanoparticles from AFM images and SEM micrographs. The experimental results showed that for extended deposition times, the coverage of silver nanoparticle layers significantly increases with ionic strength. Therefore, it was proven that the formation of bilayers is mainly controlled by electrostatic interactions and that it is feasible to produce uniform TiO2/Ag materials of desired coverage and structure.

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/aa.2016.71.1.29
Date of publication: 2016-05-24 11:38:47
Date of submission: 2015-07-01 13:49:21


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