Clarkson is a Woman, or about Gender in Language Illustrated by Interviews on the British Motoring Television Show Top Gear

Ziemowit Janiak


The present article investigates the issue of gender differences in language use. We look at some essential notions indispensable in the analysis of language use such as context. We also present some of the ideas and theories related to the question whether there are systematic differences in the ways men and women use language introduced by scholars working within the frame of gender studies and sociolinguistics. The aforementioned ideas are integrated into our analysis of the linguistic material that comes from a popular motoring show Top Gear.

Ключевые слова

gender; sex; sociolinguistics; gender studies

Полный текст:

PDF (English)


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Date of publication: 2016-06-22 08:40:08
Date of submission: 2016-06-17 10:09:19


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загрузки (из 2020-06-17) - PDF (English) - 667



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(c) 2016 Ziemowit Janiak

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