The Geopolitics of Corruption in Mexico

Nubia Nieto


The biggest problems facing humanity reach global magnitudes: terrorism, climate change, drug trafficking and corruption, among others. In this context, the study of corruption becomes more complex as it merges with other international phenomena. The question that guides this text is: Why does corruption represent a global geopolitical risk? The tentative hypothesis that guides this work involves corruption as a geopolitical risk that threatens governments and countries around the world. Mexico is taken as a case study, due to the levels of corruption experienced by this country, which have contributed to accelerating other global phenomena such as drug trafficking and other crimes. The main objective is to offer a picture of new geopolitics of global corruption and of Mexico in particular. The work also presents the anti-corruption perspective of the Mexican government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador (2018 – projected to 2024).


geopolitics, corruption, Mexico, international relations


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Date of publication: 2019-12-27 22:11:37
Date of submission: 2019-12-27 21:38:44


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