The Quest for Status: Brazil’s Activism in the UN Human Rights Council 2006–2020

Monika Paulina Sawicka


The paper seeks to investigate changes in Brazil’s activism within the UN Human Rights Council (HRC) between 2006 and 2020 and addresses the modifications of status-seeking strategies (of social mobility, creativity and competition) applied by the state within this international body. My claim is that Brazil under the Bolsonaro administration chose the role of the defender of the faith advocating for a recreation of the global human rights protection system over being a good international citizen committed to the maintenance and development of this system. This role was selected in conformity with a populist political agenda based on a conservative set of values that the state’s diplomacy had to promote. The changes, exemplified by Brazil’s conduct within the HRC since 2019, undermined the state’s prestige and moral authority that led to status losses.


Brazil; Human Rights Council; status-seeking; moral authority

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Date of publication: 2021-11-05 00:24:25
Date of submission: 2021-05-14 20:14:07


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