Political Crisis and Interinstitutional Conflict Between Parliament and Executive Branch in Peru (2016–2018). A Sociometric Approach to Competitive Interactions in Political Conflict Contexts

Juan Francisco Morales Giraldo


The government of President Pedro Pablo Kuczynski (2016–2018) was characterized from the outset by a hostile political environment due to a series of disagreements with Parliament amid increasing levels of public disapproval. Eventually, the crisis worsened with the forced resignation of the president, marking the beginning of a new cycle of disputes and hostility. This work analyzes the dynamics of the confrontation between the Executive Branch and Parliament to explain the deterioration of the political system amidst growing rejection from the citizenry towards both institutions. The core argument of the research addresses the concept of political support as a possible explanatory factor.


Executive-Legislative relations; inter-institutional conflict; political competition; political support; State performance


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/al.2024.16.161-179
Date of publication: 2024-10-01 14:13:46
Date of submission: 2023-12-01 07:09:50


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