Polemicizing and Controverting What Is Unquestionable. The Deconstruction of Static Concepts Through Our Personal History

Florencia Di Giorgio


When J. Butler reflected on the performativity of gender, she introduced us to a new way of understanding the sex and gender identity, allowing us to see the bias that weighs on our perceptions as a result of the regulatory norms that prevail at a social level. Following this line, and basing our study on the case of Tahiana Marrone, a former Malvinas War veteran, this work will seek to reflect on the construction of sociocultural roles through the necessary assignment of them to a specific gender, emphasizing on the hegemonic concept of “Malvinas War Veteran”.


war veterans, intersexual, gender, redefinition, reconstruction


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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/al.2019.8.237-261
Date of publication: 2020-03-24 15:16:34
Date of submission: 2019-01-12 14:25:33


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