Evaluation of Hotel Services Quality by booking.com Users and Organizational Activities Undertaken by Managers – Lublin Case Study

Iwona Wojciechowska


The aim of this study is to present the correlation between guests’ evaluations and opinions about the quality of hotel services and decisions made by managers of selected hotels in Lublin. The results of the search indicate that three-star hotels predominate in the city, therefore the study focused on objects of this category. Several methods were used in the research procedure, including Internet query of hotel websites, the contextual analysis method, which is the equivalent of Text Mining, in the field of analyzing comments left on the booking.com portal and a diagnostic survey using an interview questionnaire addressed to hotel managers. In terms of quantitative assessment (on a scale of 1–10), of the hotels in Lublin included (Focus, Locomotiva, Victoria and Willowa), the Focus Hotel was rated highest (mean score of 8.8). Considering all hotels, in qualitative assessment, the following variables received the most positive opinions: level of service and cleanliness of room (in Focus, Victoria and Locomotiva hotels), location (in Victoria Hotel). Almost half of all negative comments concerned the parking area. The survey conducted with managers shows that the comments of guests have a large influence on the changes implemented in the hotels (e.g., breakfast serving time in Willowa Hotel or extension of buffet offer in Locomotiva Hotel). The contextual analysis method, which can be equivalent to the SERVQUAL method, is of particular research value especially under the conditions of the COVID-19 pandemic when it is impossible to conduct interviews in person.


evaluations; opinions; quality of hotel services; contextual analysis method; hotels; booking.com; Lublin

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/b.2021.76.0.239-261
Date of publication: 2021-09-23 12:26:33
Date of submission: 2021-06-25 10:40:11


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