Differentiation equivalent temperature in Lublin (2009–2010)

Mateusz Dobek


In 2009–2010, in five points in Lublin, located in areas of different land use and built-up, measurements of air temperature and humidity were taken. Based on the data collected, the following elements were calculated: the difference in average monthly air temperature between the coldest point and the others, equivalent temperature (Tek) and Tek thermal sensations. Differences
in average monthly air temperature in relation to the outskirts of Lublin were the highest at the point Dominikanie, in the built-up area of the old town. Most frequently “sultry” sensation was reported for the estate houses, at the point Ofelii. Different biothermal conditions were observed in the center of the city – Litewski square. It is characterized by a high proportion of vegetation. Green areas influenced the reduction of the biothermal stress compared to other points. The highest frequency of thermal sensation “cold”, “cool” and “slightly cool” were recorded there. Measurements points located in two housing estates with high buildings close to each other were characterized by similar biothermal conditions. In these areas, comparing to other discussed areas of the city, at 12 UTC relatively often there were noticed the best biothermal conditions – “comfortable” according to equivalent temperature index.


biothermal conditions; equivalent temperature; Lublin

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/b.2013.68.2.79
Date of publication: 2015-07-15 09:25:11
Date of submission: 2015-07-14 15:42:17


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