Border transformation and its impact on the region. Polish-Russian borderland after coming into force of the agreement of local border traffic

Dominika Beata Studzińska


Since 2004, the Polish-Russian border has been the EU external border. Until 2012 the border had been a line of separation, which restricted contacts between Kaliningrad Oblast and Poland. On 27th July, 2012 the agreement of local border traffic came into force and more and more Russians from Kaliningrad Oblast started visiting Polish border region as it is an attractive tourist destination.

Additionally, more Poles have started crossing the border in order to buy cheaper petrol. In 2013 the number of people crossing the Polish-Russian border exceeded 6 million.

The local border traffic has changed the landscape of Polish-Russian border region and has had a strong impact on Polish–Kaliningrad relations. The purpose of this paper is on the one hand to present new border regime on the Polish-Russian border. On the other hand, to show the impact of the new role of border on cross-border activities and socio-economic development of Polish borderland. The analysis is based on author’s own fieldwork conducted in Polish-Russian borderland in 2013–2014. The research has been done within the framework of the EUBORDERSCPARES project.


borderland; border; Polish-Russian border; local border traffic

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Date of publication: 2016-07-07 11:26:05
Date of submission: 2015-10-14 14:54:43


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