Relationship between atmospheric circulation and seasonal air temperature in the Lublin region

Krzysztof Bartoszek


The paper assesses the relationship between atmospheric circulation and seasonal air temperature in the Lublin region from 1951 to 2010. It also specifies the relations between the occurrence of extremely warm and cool seasons, and anomalies of sea level pressure (SLP) in the Atlantic European region. For this purpose, the classification of circulation types over East-Central Europe as well as mean seasonal air temperature values from 5 meteorological stations located in the area of research or in the vicinity were used. The strongest influence of atmospheric circulation on thermal conditions in the Lublin region was noticed in the winter season, and the weakest in the spring months. The zonal circulation played an important role for seasonal air temperature both in winter and in summer, whereas meridional air flow in autumn. Compared to air flow direction, the character of atmospheric circulation, expressed by anticyclonic, cyclonic and transitional circulation, had a significantly weak influence on the seasonal air temperature. Moreover, strong relationship between anomalies of sea level pressure in the Atlantic European region and strong positive or negative deviations of seasonal air temperature in the Lublin region were found primarily during winter and summer seasons.


atmospheric circulation, air temperature, circulation types, anomalies of sea level pressure, Lublin region

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Date of publication: 2018-03-07 10:57:41
Date of submission: 2017-03-10 08:22:22


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