Ways to Counteract the Negative Effects of Overtourism at Tourist Attractions and Destinations

Zygmunt Kruczek


The excessive concentration of tourist traffic, known as overtourism, leads to overcrowding in attractive locations, over-advertising and aggressive commercialisation, which lower the aesthetic quality of tourists’ experiences and result in the degradation of natural and cultural resources. The effect of excessive number of tourists is an increase in the price of services, rental fees and real estate. In historical cities, it causes the gentrification of historical districts. The aim of this work is to show the genesis of the phenomenon called “overtourism”, its development and activities aimed at limiting its negative effects. The article is based on a review of literature and observation of phenomena accompanying excessive tourist attendance in 2018 described in social media and identi fi ed in the historic district of Kraków. The article discusses the negative effects of overtourism observed at attractions and in tourist destinations, illustrated by examples from Poland and around the world. The process of gentrification is exemplified using the city of Kraków. The second part of the article presents actions described in the literature and media reports that are taken to soften the negative effects of overtourism. This includes both action with regard to the supply of tourist services, as well as the demand for such services. It is indicated that a compromise needs to be reached among the three interested parties: residents, tourists and the tourist industry.


overtourism; threats; gentri fi cation; Kraków; countermeasures

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/b.2019.74.0.45-57
Date of publication: 2019-09-10 07:56:39
Date of submission: 2019-01-19 12:18:19


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