Determinants of tourism development in smart cities

Marek Nowacki, Joanna Kowalczyk-Anioł


The article is related to the concept of a smart city, as broadly debated in the literature. The aim of the study was to verify which of dimensions of smart functions determine the development of tourism in smart cities and whether it is reasonable to postulate specific character of European cities in this context. The primary research method was desk research. The source material includes data from the Global Power City Index (GPCI) reports from 2012–2018, which have been subjected to in-depth statistical analysis. The results indicated that from among six groups of factors distinguished by GPCI, only two – cultural interactions and accessibility – are significant determinants of tourism development in a smart city. In this context, it is difficult to unequivocally demonstrate the specificity of European cities in comparison with other smart cities.


smart city, tourism, city

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Date of publication: 2019-10-03 11:29:28
Date of submission: 2019-06-28 19:27:24


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