Crisis of Democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Is Direct Democracy the Answer?

Tihomir Cipek


On the example of Bosnia and Herzegovina the goal of text is to rethink the consequences of application of the direct democracy mechanisms in the context of deeply divided societies. So the question is: How would mechanisms of direct democracy function in an ethnically divided society which has not reached a consensus on the basic values of the political community? It was felt that direct democracy could help to overcome national divisions in Bosnia and Herzegovina and emphasized that the existing model of consociational democracy was not only incapable of offering the solution for their country, but was a source of new divisions. The first part of the text will endeavor to outline the general causes of the crisis of representative democracy. The state of democracy in Bosnia and Herzegovina will be shown in the second part. The final part will feature the analysis of the structure of political decision-making in order to ascertain which political option, left or right, actually benefits from direct democracy. In spite of a number of questions that arise from the potential implementation of direct democracy in Bosnian-Herzegovinian circumstances, the text will lead to conclusion that this type of democracy should not be completely discarded and that on the certain issues it can be a useful addition to the parliamentary democracy.


parliamentary democracy, direct democracy, Bosnia and Herzegovina, consociational democracy, multinational societies

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Date of publication: 2017-02-13 11:12:04
Date of submission: 2017-02-13 09:43:00


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