Cross-Border Cooperation under the Umbrella Project Entitled “Borderland Culture as a Bridge for the Integration of Local Communities in the Euroregion Bug” Implemented by the Association of Local Governments of the Euroregion Bug

Agnieszka Magdziarz-Orłowska


The Association of Local Governments of the Euroregion Bug implements its statutory objectives within the scope of activities and broadly understood cross-border issues. It is an intermediary institution for EU funds operators under EU Programmes, mainly co-financed from the European Regional Development Fund. As part of EU funds, it has recruited from such programmes as the National PHARE Programme – Polish Eastern Border and the Neighbourhood Programme Poland–Belarus–Ukraine INTERREG IIIA/Tacis CBC, Poland–Belarus–Ukraine 2007–2013 Cross-Border Cooperation Programme implemented as part of the European Neighborhood Instrument and Partnerships (ENPI). The Association of Local Governments of Euroregion Bug implemented the Umbrella Project no. IPBU.03.02.00-06-828/12 entitled “Cross-border culture as a bridge for the integration of local communities in the Euroregion Bug” within 1 January 2014 – 31 December 2015. The project involved 11 micro-projects.


Euroregion Bug; cross-border association; micro-projects

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Koszyk-Białobrzeska R., Kisiel R., Euroregionalna współpraca i integracja na przykładzie Euroregionu Bałtyk, Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego, Olsztyn 2008.

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Małecka E., Czekaj M., Euroregiony na granicach Polski 2007, Urząd Statystyczny we Wrocławiu, Wrocław 2007.

Niczyporuk J., Cross-Border Polish-Ukrainian Cultural Cooperation in the Bug Euroregion, Instytut Spraw Administracji Publicznej, Lublin 2014.

Polski J., Strategia rozwoju euroregionu. Euroregion Bug, t. 16, Norbertinum, Lublin 1997.

Roszkowska L., Roszkowski R., Rozwój współpracy transgranicznej na granicach Polski na przykładzie Euroregionu Pradziad, Stowarzyszenie Gmin Polskich Euroregionu Pradziad, Prudnik 2007.

Szymańska A., Jak przygotować dobry wniosek czyli jak skutecznie pozyskiwać fundusze unijne 2007–2013, Drukarnia Wydawnictwa Naukowych, Warszawa 2008.

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Additional sources

Culture Centre in Łęczna, Łęczna – publication as part of the project.

Goraj Commune, Goraj Commune and Sabolottia – publication as part of the project.

Guidelines for applicants: European Neighborhood and Partnership Instrument Poland–Belarus–Ukraine Cross-Border Cooperation Programme 2007–2013, Guidelines for Applicants, valid for the third call for proposals, Measure 3.2 “Local Communities Initiative”.

Municipal Cultural Center in Łaszczów, Polish-Ukrainian poetry volume, Written with the Heart, Fotpress, Zamość 2014.

Municipal Cultural Center in Łaszczów, Regional Cuisine of the Polish-Ukrainian Borderland, Fotpress, Zamość 2015.

Program Sąsiedztwa Polska–Białoruś–Ukraina INTERREG IIIA/Tacis CBC 2004–2006. Uzupełnienie programu, Warszawa 2005.

Reporting period: 1 January 2015 – 31 December 2015. Cross-border Co-operation Programme Poland–Belarus–Ukraine 2007–2013, Borderland culture as an integration of local communities in the Euroregion Bug Project no. IPBU.03.02. 00-06-828/12 Annex VI Final narrative report.

Ruda Huta Commune, Borderland Culture – publication published as part of the project.

Town Hall in Tomaszów Lubelski, Barwy Roztocza, Fotpress, Zamość 2014.

Werbkowice Commune, We will rebuild in the imagination things that are no longer there and fil them with the image of reality.

Date of publication: 2019-07-15 10:25:44
Date of submission: 2019-01-02 10:29:29


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