Comparison of Public Diplomacy and Nation Branding of Slovakia and Slovenia

Miroslav Řádek, Marián Bušša


Although public diplomacy and nation branding as research topics do not currently represent a significant subject of professional interest or analysis, they are still relevant and can be continuously evaluated mainly in the form of case studies. In the recent past, several works evaluating various nation branding strategies have been created, but so far none has addressed nation branding of such (externally) similar countries as Slovakia and Slovenia. The theoretical part of the study is devoted to the definition of basic concepts and the introduction to the state of current knowledge. The research part deals with the description of the beginning and development of independent diplomacies of both young countries. We further approach the creation and implementation of both nation branding programs and subsequently, through the content analysis of the world’s most important periodicals, we will try to compose the main media image of Slovakia and Slovenia from an international perspective.

Ключевые слова

public diplomacy, Slovakia, Slovenia, national branding, identity of state

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Date of publication: 2022-12-01 21:50:43
Date of submission: 2022-02-17 23:03:30


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