Cytogenetics of Tradescantia spathacea (syn. Rhoeo spathacea). A review

Hieronim Golczyk


As a favorable PTH (permanent translocation heterozygosity) model, Tradescantia spathacea (synon. Rhoeo spathacea) offers an unusual opportunity to address crucial cytogenetic problems, among them complex chromosome rearrangements, recognition and segregation of translocated genome parts, the relation of crossing-over to synaptic processes. Here I present the existing knowledge on T. spathacea with the intention to reestablish it for advanced cytogenetic research.


chromosomes; karyotype evolution; meiosis; meiotic ring; Rhoeo; permanent translocation heterozygosity (PTH); rDNA; Tradescantia spathacea; translocations

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Date of publication: 2015-07-18 00:13:03
Date of submission: 2015-07-17 23:00:19


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