New data on introduced and rare synanthropic spider species (Arachnida: Araneae) in Poland (II)

Robert Rozwałka, Tomasz Rutkowski, Paweł Bielak-Bielecki


Over the last decades, a large number of introduced spider species (Araneae) has been noted in Europe. Some of these newcomers have been introduced incidentally. However, the others develop permanent populations, for example in greenhouses or botanical gardens, and become synanthropic species. Introduction and synanthropization of new spider species also occurs in Poland. New records presented herein extend the list of introduced arachnofauna by seven species: Aphantaulax trifasciata, Cheiracanthium furculatum, Cyrtophora citricola, Olios argelasius, Nurscia albomaculata, Phoneutria boliviensis and Triaeris stenaspis. In addition, new posts of rarely reported so far in Poland synanthropic spiders such as: Amaurobius ferox, A. similis, Cheiracanthium mildei, Hasarius adansoni, Holocnemus pluchei, Nesticella mogera, Psilochorus simoni, Pseudeuophrys lanigera, Scytodes thoracica and Uloborus plumipes are presented. The data complement the deployment of these species in Poland as well as indicate their potential expansion routes.


Araneae, synanthropic spiders, introduced and alien species

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Date of publication: 2017-04-03 09:05:31
Date of submission: 2017-04-03 09:04:53


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