Assessing accuracy of barley yield forecasting with integration of climate variables and support vector regression

Laleh Parviz


Investigations of the relation between crop yield and climate variables are crucial for agricultural studies and decision making related to crop monitoring. Multiple linear regression (MLR) and support vector regression (SVR) are used to identify and model the impact of climate variables on barley yield. The climate variables of 36 years (1982–2017) are gathered from three provinces of Iran with different climate: Yazd (arid), Zanjan (semi-arid), Gilan (very humid). Air temperature by high correlation coefficient with barley yield was introduced as the dominant climate variable. According to evaluation criteria, SVR provided accurate estimation of crop yield in comparison with MLR. The diversity of climate impressed the estimated yield in which UI, decreasing from Gilan to Yazd provinces, was 47.77%. Support vector machine (SVM) with capturing the nonlinearity of time series, could improve barley yield estimation, with the minimum UI for Yazd province. Also, the minimum correlation coefficient between the observed and simulated yield was found in Gilan province. Based on GMER calculations, SVM forecasts were underestimated in three provinces. All findings show that SVM is able to have high efficiency to model the climate effect on crop yield.


yield, climate, MLR, SVM

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Date of publication: 2019-06-10 12:48:57
Date of submission: 2019-06-10 12:12:06


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