Olsztyn as a Little Homeland in Board Games for Children – the Example of a Historical German Game and Polish Contemporary Games

Barbara Sapała, Małgorzata Sławińska


The aim of this study is to analyze the contents of regional board games for kids from the perspective of developing attachment to their little homeland. Two modern Polish games, Olsztyn mnie kręci (Olsztyn Turns Me On) and Przytul Olsztyn (Give Olsztyn a Hug), and a pre-war German game Spacer po Olsztynie (A Walk in Olsztyn) were examined. An attempt was made in the study to answer the following question: What image of Olsztyn has been created by the analyzed games? The theoretical framework for the study was the history of Warmia and the changing principles of education, which is currently referred to as “regional”. The selection of local buildings and facilities, and the way of their presentation, were found to be the key factors when interpreting the importance of the examined board games for strengthening the children’ bonds with their little homeland. The analysis revealed that the pre-war board game emphasized the German and monocultural character of the city, as well as its rapid development. On the other hand, Polish games depict Olsztyn as the capital city of the Warmia Region, and focus on its multicultural heritage. The games highlight the beauty of Olsztyn as a garden-city, and its tourism potential.


little homeland; regional education; board games; Olsztyn; Warmia

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/en.2021.6.59-77
Date of publication: 2021-09-22 09:55:13
Date of submission: 2020-07-30 23:59:22


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