Time Aging

Dorota Aydoğdu


The population is facing a new situation without precedent. Contemporary scientific studies show that soon we will have many more people in old age than representatives of the young generation. More than ever, the world will be forced to deal with the consequences of an increase in the elderly population. This article describes various theories of aging based on medical, neurobiological, and demographic studies. An attempt was made to answer the questions that arise in connection with the increase in the life expectancy of society: Can the aging of society be accompanied by long-term good physical health, a satisfactory level of intellectual condition, and a lasting sense of well-being? Can we estimate how aging will affect the social quality of life, the country’s economic condition, and the level of healthcare? Does the present day have tools to increase the quality of aging and improve the well-being of an elderly person? The study shows that people can age more satisfactorily. Today we know that “choice” is possible. It is true that we cannot stop aging, but with some lifestyle modifications in the preventive dimension, the human population will be able to age more optimally and more consciously. The key to optimizing this process are three points: a healthy mind, a healthy body, and a healthy mind.


aging; people in old age; theories of aging; quality of life

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/en.2022.7.57-75
Date of publication: 2022-12-28 15:43:53
Date of submission: 2021-03-01 08:33:29


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