Interpersonal Relations and the Aesthetics of Alternative Marriage Ties in Kama Kamanda’s “Far from the Shores of Destiny”

Pierre Suzanne Eyenga Onana


Some West African novels describe the woman as a victim of the prenatal alliance, while others, like the text of Kama Kamanda, make her a rebel. Is this thematic split not due to the desire to create a new type of interpersonal relationship based on an alternative way of living together? The sociocriticism of Edmond Cros, through its operational declensions of phenotext and the genotext, gives direction to this reflection. Women’s infidelity was analyzed in order to make an apperception of the marital bonds.


sociocriticism; aesthetics; woman; marriage ties; living together; thematic split


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Date of publication: 2022-12-28 15:44:08
Date of submission: 2021-08-28 09:24:52


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