The Position of Speech and Language Therapy in the Transforming System of (Not Only) Special Needs Education and Intervention

Kateřina Vitásková


The paper aims at discussing the major issues relating to the current transformation of special education systems to an inclusive system which has an impact on the area of speech and language therapy (SLT) intervention, conceived as a collaborative discipline that focuses not only on isolated speech disorders, but also on symptomatic speech disorders and related problems. It also describes the role of universities in the undergraduate education of speech and language therapists in the context of interdisciplinary collaboration and working with people with special needs.


speech and language therapy; inclusion; special education; undergraduate education; symptomatic speech disorders; autism; education; interdisciplinary collaboration

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Date of publication: 2017-02-20 12:39:50
Date of submission: 2017-02-20 11:39:02


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