The Psychological Mechanisms for Implementation of the Reflective Component of Preschoolers’ Deliberated Communicative Activities

Iryna Omelchenko


The article substantiates theoretically the importance of studies of deliberate communicative activities in the context of the information society and postmodern culture. The “I–the Other” communicative relations correspond to the reflexive level of communicative activities if these relations are developed only in an over-situational context and a situation of relationship uncertainty. The article states that communicative activities at the reflection level take place in intra-subjective and para-social relations between “Self” and the “Other”. The reflexive level of communicative activities contributes to transformation of “Self” through the establishment of mutual understanding by the means of such psychological mechanisms as symbolization, internal dialogue, reflexive decentration, actualizing co-existential relations with the “Other”. The article determines peculiarities of the genesis of preschoolers’ intra-subjective and para-social interactions with various partners (a favorite toy, an imaginary partner, an animated character).


deliberate communicative activities; reflection; Self; the Other; intra-subjective and para-social interactions; favorite toy; imaginary companion; animated character

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Date of publication: 2019-01-13 11:07:10
Date of submission: 2018-04-04 20:24:51


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