Forming Self-Assessment in Pre-School Children

Vadym Kobylchenko


The article analyzes the features, factors and determinants of the formation of self-esteem in pre-school children. It is established that the motivation for achievement is largely determined by the experience of early childhood and is most typical for those children who are used to success. Significant changes in a child’s self-esteem arise when he links his failures with the presence or absence of certain abilities and opportunities. It was found that in his day-to-day practical activities, the child seeks such results that meet his self-esteem, contribute to its stability, normalization. Self-evaluation, in turn, also depends on the results of the activity. It is with self-esteem that the level of claims is correlated. As a factor that determines satisfaction or dissatisfaction with activities, the level of claims is of great importance for children who are focused on avoiding failures.


self-esteem; pre-school children


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Date of publication: 2019-12-31 12:58:25
Date of submission: 2018-09-25 21:39:20


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