Shaping the Digital Identity in Slovak Academic Environment: From Emergency Remote Teaching (ERT) to Effective Online Teaching

Ivana Pondelíková, Tatiana Tökölyová


The year 2020 was challenging in terms of improving or developing a digital identity. Flexibility and adaptability have become crucial skills in all sectors. The success of any information technology or its application depends on its usage. Regarding education system, there is a need to adapt to Generation Z, making the students the centre of their training, leaving the teacher as a tutor or coach of their learning. This is possible to achieve via x-learning, which is based on learning by experience. However, the whole university education has moved to the online world and we have experienced so-called emergency remote teaching (ERT). During the course of time, we have moved from ERT to an effective online teaching-learning process. Well-planned online teaching-learning process is meaningfully different from courses offered online in response to an emergency situation. Differences between these two systems together with applied innovative teaching methods are provided in the text. We would like to share the best practices in online teaching as well as hybrid or online form of internship that have shaped the digital identity. Innovative methods together with modern technologies offer a wide range of the current teaching-learning process.

Ключевые слова

digital identity; innovative teaching methods; internship; online teaching; emergency remote teaching; ERT; x-learning

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Date of publication: 2022-12-28 15:44:01
Date of submission: 2021-08-31 10:21:43


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