The speaking subject in Jerzy Bartmiński’s Linguistic Worldview Program: A Cognitive Grammar perspective

Henryk Kardela, Anna Kędra-Kardela


The paper examines the concept of the speaking subject, the key term of Jerzy Bartmiński’s Linguistic Worldview Program (LWP), from the point of view of Ronald Langacker’s theory of Cognitive Grammar. We propose to characterize the dynamic, open nature of Bartmiński’s speaking subject in terms of Langacker’s notion of conceptualizer, a hybrid category consisting of the speaker and the hearer, between whom the discursive negotiation of meaning takes place. It is assumed that the model applies to all types of discursive interaction involving all kinds of spoken and written discourse, including literary works.  In order to be able to account for the meaning negotiation process in discourse, we propose to use Ronald Langacker’s theory of the Current Discourse Space (CDS) combined with the Storyworld Possible Self model (SPS) as developed by María-Ángeles Martínez in her analysis of literary texts.


linguistic worldview; speaking subject; author; reader meaning negotiation; current discourse space; storyworld possible self

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Date of publication: 2019-10-11 20:09:47
Date of submission: 2018-03-30 19:46:51


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