Religio Athletae: The Atheist Apologetics of Religion by the Restorer of the Ancient Olympic Games, Pierre de Coubertin’s (1863–1937)
The main aim of the paper is to clarify the meaning of religio athletae on the basis of an analysis of Pierre de Coubertin’s philosophical views and his understanding of religion. The first part presents Olympism as a result of the organizational activity of the restorer of the Olympic Games, followed by a discussion of the nature of the era of late French positivism, in which he scientifically and philosophically grew up. Particular attention is paid to the attitude of the French intellectual elite towards religion and the Catholic Church, and the concept of secular religion is defined. Then, de Coubertin’s works and his socio-philosophical views on religion are analyzed. On this basis, he is assigned to the current atheistic apologetics of religion. The second part explains Coubertin’s understanding of the “athlete’s religion”, which was part of the global Olympic project intended to serve as a platform for international understanding, and a brief discussion is held with opponents of calling Olympism a religion.
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Date of publication: 2024-12-31 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2023-12-03 13:32:38
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