Print culture and its impact on civilization changes

Maria Juda


The author presents the origins of printing techniques and their application to production of books dating from the earliest achievements in this field in China until the beginning of typographic art in Europe in the mid-fifteenth century. Attention was focused on technical aspects of the Johannes Gutenberg’s invention and the art of printing components, such as typographic material, ink and printing press. The evolution of typography in Europe and other continents was presented as well as its effects on the rise of censorship, rediscovery of antiquity, forming of the profession of qualified writers, copyright law, development of critical research, standardization and nationalization of the print, spelling and orthography of national languages. Attention was also paid to the process of constituting the form of a book adequate for typography, to changes in the way of reading, and to impact of printing on the increase in communications capabilities inherent in written and printed word.


historical bibliology, print culture, printing, Johannes Gutenberg, printed book, censorship, copyright, information flow

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Date of publication: 2016-12-20 11:49:03
Date of submission: 2016-04-19 13:17:37


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