The Open Work in the 2.0 Version, That Is the Transformation of the Reader

Paweł Tadeusz Opiłowski


The author of the article presents how the manner of existence of a literary work affects the way of interpreting it. The concept of the open work characterized by Umberto Eco juxtaposed with new forms of literature shows transformations that happen in perception, reading and interpretation of a text. Using a comparative approach to the analysis of particular elements of the theory of the open work in relation to digital reality, there are indicated significant changes in reading behaviours which emerge in the confrontation of Eco’s concept with the new form of reading 2.0. The aim is to illustrate how the character of the very reader changes.


the open work, reading 2.0, reception, interpretation

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Date of publication: 2018-07-18 10:24:38
Date of submission: 2017-03-04 15:28:54


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