Lublin Sensational Press: Media Images of Everyday Life of the Interwar Period of Lublin

Hanna Wojtysiak


Abstract: During the interwar period, along with popularisation of mass culture, sensational press appeared in Lublin, which focused on criminal events, gossips, scandals and curiosities of sorts. Development of such press was promoted by a diversity of city’s social landscape and a new model of everyday living, customs and ways of spending free time. In general it is filled with events that are interesting for undemanding readers. There is a bit of politics, economy, social issues, art, culture, human drama, sensation, some irrelevant gossip and some simple advertisements regarding what to buy and where. Low price, variety of content, interesting news, suggestive illustration, and adapting to the mass reader demand led to a situation that these journals gathered a vast audience in a short time. The point of this paper is to show Lublin informational/sensational newspapers as an important observer of social reality of the interwar period.




Lublin everyday press, sensational press, interwar period, flow of information, reader demand

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Date of publication: 2019-05-24 09:14:38
Date of submission: 2017-11-16 11:54:11


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