Philosophical Context of the Relationship “I” – “You” in Josif Brodsky’s Poem "Строфы (Наподобие стакана…)" from the Cycle "Новые стансы к Августе (Стихи к М.Б., 1962–1982 гг.)"

Joanna Renata Tarkowska


In the article the attempt is made to analyse and interpret the relationship between lyrical “I” and the addressee in the poem, which constitutes a rare subject of interest of literary scholars. It is certainly due to the fact that it represents one of a number of Brodsky’s “American” texts in which the author’s alter ego settles accounts with the past. To some extent, the retrospective and autobiographical poem Строфы (Наподобие стакана…) [Stanzas (Like Glass…)] is the example of the text of a philosophical nature. The form of considerations on the attitude towards “М.Б.” [“M.B.”],
which constitute an interpretation of previous feelings and times, indicates the author’s aspiration to make what is earthly (previously love-related) in the context of what is Perpetual, Timeless. Hence, according to the poet, the only and the most obvious way to achieve it, is to retain memory of the past times and feelings in the Language, i.e. to ensure that they are immortal. Nevertheless, the prerequisite for realising this intention is to “change the view”, retreat into the shadow, “leave” what is “earthly”, get rid of the baggage of direct participation, to achieve maximum “objectivisation”, distance even from “the moon”. Therefore, in a given case, it is so important for an interpreter to understand Brodsky’s poetic philosophy of Time, Space, Language, including his notion of love, which was formulated throughout his entire creative life.


cycle; existential equilibrium; Space; Language; Time

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Date of publication: 2021-12-18 09:04:22
Date of submission: 2020-12-16 12:40:28


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