Genetic and Intertextual Procedures in "Hélène ou la joie de vivre" by André Roussin and Madeleine Gray

Dora Leontaridou


The article discusses the genetic procedures used in the comedy by André  Roussin and Madeleine Gray Hélène ou la joie de vivre [Helena or the Joy of Living], released in 1953. The play draws on the American novel The Private Life of Helen of Troy by John Erskine, published in 1925, and its French translation by Maurice Bec, entitled Hélène retour de Troie, published in 1927. Based on the available material, genetic procedures and intertextual relations, that connect hypotheses and hypertexts, were examined. On the basis of the analyzes, hypotheses and explanations are formulated, taking into account social changes and, consequently, possible shifts in the expectations of new recipients. The article aims to show the interest – of both texts and societies (American – at the beginning of the 20th century, French – in the post-war period) – in some burning issues of this era, such as the situation of women and the demands of feminists, which emerge from these works.


the Helen myth; adaptation of the myth; intertextuality; the situation of women; André Roussin; Madeleine Gray; John Erskine


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Date of publication: 2021-12-27 11:14:13
Date of submission: 2021-02-28 22:02:09


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