Man and his pleasures in urban legends

Marta Wójcicka


The aim of the article is to present a fragment of the outlook present in the genre called urban legend. The author tries to reconstruct an element of human image constructed by urban legends which focus on the theme of various pleasures. The article comprises two distinct parts: a review of dictionary definitions of pleasures and a catalogue of pleasures which, on the basis of J. Puzynina’s typology of values, are divided into five groups: vital (rest), cognitive (hobby), auxiliary (shopping and accumulating wealth), physiological (food and sex) and psychological (bets, parties, drugs and alcohol). In the conclusion, the author compares the outlook presented in urban legends with those
inherent in other examples of traditional folk prose.


urban legends; traditional folk prose; typology of pleasures

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Date of publication: 2014-05-22 00:00:00
Date of submission: 2015-07-25 22:44:15


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