Nurturing Mindful Behaviour in Translation Students. From Learning Practices to Disposition

Mariusz Marczak


Contemporary translator education aims to develop professional competences, adaptability to job market dynamics and life-long learning skills by fostering collaborative, situated and self-directed, experiential learning. In recognition of the essentiality of reflection skills for life-long learning, the author examines the possibility of stimulating students’ (cultural) reflection in online (intercultural) projects via guidance on mindful behaviour, as defined by Ritchhart and Perkins and discusses the findings with a view to informing task design which would augment the development of cultural and other components of translator competence.


professionalisation; translator education; mindful learning; translation competence; reflective learning

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Date of publication: 2023-12-19 14:20:13
Date of submission: 2023-11-02 11:50:54


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