The post-apocalypse, fairy tales and horror in "Roadside Picnic" by the Strugatsky brothers

Karolina Wieliczko-Paluch


The article is devoted to Roadside Picnic by Arkady and Boris Strugatsky – a post-apocalyptic vision of the world after an extraterrestrial event called Visitation. The first part deals with a short comparison of two science fiction novels about the failed contact between humans and aliens. The second part of this paper describes a post-apocalyptic town with a Visitation Zone and interprets some motifs from fantastic horrors. The third part presents a protagonist and one of the artefacts in the Zone representing a type of a character and an item known from fairy tales, legends and myths. The next part focuses on a utopian motif in the final part of the novel, which illustrate protagonist’s transformation on the background of existentialism. The analysis leads to the conclusion that the Strugatsky’s Roadside Picnic contains the disapprobation of the modern consumerist society.


Arkady and Boris Strugatsky; "Roadside Picnic"; extraterrestrials; stalker; the Zone; post-apocalypse; motifs and items in fairy-tales; horror; fairy-tale; Faust; historical watershed; utopia; consumerism; existentialism of J.-P. Sartre

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Date of publication: 2016-12-22 13:37:26
Date of submission: 2016-07-04 14:42:19


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