Specificity of Nomination of Television Programs for Children in Russia

Elena Gudeleva, Ekaterina Sudarkina


The aim of the research is to conduct a comprehensive study of the names of modern children’s television programs in Russia based on the example of the broadcast network of the largest children’s and youth TV channel – Carousel. The examined material is a corpus of 175 titles. The research methods used are: systematization, classification, statistical analysis, survey of the target audience and comparison, for which the names of Soviet television programs are involved. The article systemizes the names of children’s programs and transmissions; discusses their structural features and the realization of functional and pragmatic aspects in the media nomination. The results of the study reveal, on the one hand, the connection of the gemeronym with the subject matter and problems of transmission, and on the other – its absence when using the language game in the title. The comparative analysis allows us to trace the dynamics of naming strategies. The survey results reveal age peculiarities of perception of gemeronym, concentrating out of and within the text associations, which is a kind of fixation of the existence of television in society.


gemeronym; children’s program; media nomination

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/ff.2019.37.2.155-165
Date of publication: 2019-12-31 19:00:42
Date of submission: 2019-02-17 09:00:38


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