Semantic and syntactic associations: On the example of the combinations of the verbs of emotion in the fields of anger and admiration in French and Arabic

Zouaidi Safa


The study concerns the correspondences between French and Arabic in the expression of emotion. For the verbs of emotion, some authors offer a classification based on syntactic criteria (Harris, 1988). Others propose a distribution of verbs based on homogeneous semantic features (Mathieu, 2000). Proposing a third way, our objective is to better understand the specificities of the verbal combining of emotion in French and Arabic through the structuring of this semantic field in both languages in relation to what is proposed in linguistic, literature, syntax and contrasting semantics. We examine syntactic-semantic correspondences in the verbal combinations between the two languages seeking to know if verbs belonging to the same types of emotion in the two languages attract the same companions. We choose to base our study on the analysis of syntactic and lexical combination (Novakova, Tutin, 2009), which allow us to identify the combination of emotion studied in the two compared languages. We use Lexical priming theory (Hoey, 2005) to examine the preferred syntactic relationships of the verbal combination of emotion and to verify whether they are linked to the semantic dimensions that they can possibly convey. We show that semantics is systematically connected to syntax. After presenting the theoretical framework, the contrastive approach and the methodology of the work, and the corpus on which this research was based (Emolex and Arabicorpus), we propose a semantic-syntactic analysis of the combinations of emotion verbs belonging to the lexical fields of anger and admiration, in the two compared languages.


verbal combinations; semantic-syntactic analysis; contrastive approach


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Date of publication: 2018-11-05 11:24:50
Date of submission: 2018-02-09 23:28:05


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