Phraseological Potential of Advertising Slogans

Ольга Яковлева


The article is dedicated to advertising slogans as one of the sources of new phraseological units. The aim of the study is to review the determinants of the transfer of slogans to the group of advertising phraseologies and the analysis of the specificity of advertising slogans in the contemporary Russian press. As the source of the material, an original list of phraseologisms collected by the method of random selection from the contemporary Russian press publications (including electronic versions of periodicals) for the years 2000–2010, was used. The following methods were applied: a descriptive method, a method of dictionary definition analysis, a method of contextual analysis. Phraseologized advertising slogans are a source of new phraseologisms of the contemporary Russian language. Advertising slogans, similarly to paroemia, aphorisms, or winged words, begin to be actively used by the language users in various communication situations.


advertising slogan; slogan; phraseological units


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Date of publication: 2019-01-18 08:01:22
Date of submission: 2018-08-02 20:01:33


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