Syntactic Reduplications of the dremla dremlesta Type Within the Gorani Ethnolect

Natalia Długosz


In this article I discuss the topic of the one type of Gorani syntactic reduplications such as dremla dremlesta, cincar cincaresti, glitalan glitalanesti examples and many more. The linguistic material comes from the Gorani-Albanian dictionary by Nazif Dokle: Reçnik goranski (nashinski) – allbanski (published inSofia, 2007). Based on the material, I make a formal description of the mechanism, assess it in terms of productivity and regularity. I analyze selected reduplicated constructions in terms of their morphological and in particular semantic structure. I devote separate attention to the peculiar semantic iconicity of repetitions. Neither the index of 80 reduplication units used in my analysis, nor the several dozens of repetitions registered in the dictionary fully exhaust the resource of this type of construction in the Gorani ethnolect. This type of syntactic reduplications in Gorani ethnolect is productive.


Gorani ethnolect; repetitions; syntactic reduplications

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Date of publication: 2023-10-25 14:22:39
Date of submission: 2023-02-10 11:18:08


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