Jeux onymiques et constructions onomaturgiques dans L’Enfant léopard (1999) de Daniel Picouly

Giorgio Sale


The novel by Daniel Picouly involves a considerable number of characters and, therefore, a wide range of anthroponyms, for many of which the author invites the reader to make inferences and to mobilise their encyclopedia of knowledge to identify the explicit or subtle historical reference within those names. 

Some of these names are immediately identifiable. For others, however, the reader's inference requires a more accurate search, which calls into question elaborate skills more easily found in a cultured reader than in a common reader. 


Onomaturgical constructions; Onomastics in Literature; L’Enfant léopard; Onomastics in French contemporary novel

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Barthes, Roland. (1972). Proust et les noms. In: Barthes, Roland, Le degré zéro de l’écriture suivi de Nouveaux essais critiques (pp. 121–134). Paris: Éditions du Seuil.

Béglé, Jérôme. (1999). Picouly se la joue aristo. Paris Match, pp. 4–5.

Dauzat, Albert. (1980). Dictionnaire étymologique des noms de famille et prénoms de France (ed. revised and augmented by Marie-Thérèse Morlet). Paris: Larousse [1st ed. 1951].

Garane, Jeanne. (2014). Playing with the Past: How and Why Daniel Picouly Rewrites Chester Himes. In: Dominic Thomas (ed.), Afroeuropean Cartographies (pp. 82–96). Cambridge: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.


Himes, Chester. (1958). For Love of Imabelle. Greenwich, CN: Fawcett. [French trans. by Minnie Danzas, La Reine des pommes. In: Himes, Chester. (2007). Cercueil et fossoyeur : le cycle de Harlem. Paris: Gallimard.]

Himes, Chester. (1959). The Crazy Kill. New York: Avon.

Himes, Chester. (1960). All Shot Up. London: Panther. [French trans. by Jeanne Fillion, Imbroglio negro. In: Himes, Chester. (2007). Cercueil et fossoyeur : le cycle de Harlem. Paris: Gallimard.]

Himes, Chester. (1960). The Big Gold Dream. New York: Avon.

Himes, Chester. (1965). Cotton Comes to Harlem. New York: Putnam.

Himes, Chester. (1966). The Heat’s On. New York: Putnam.

Himes, Chester. (1969). Blind Man with a Pistol. New York: W. Morrow.

Picouly, Daniel. (1999). L’enfant léopard. Paris: Grasset.

Date of publication: 2019-12-31 19:00:46
Date of submission: 2019-02-02 20:01:04


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