Liubov Ostash


The problem of the functioning of Ukrainian names in the anthroponymic space of the Czech Republic is quite voluminous and covers many issues. The article focuses on one of these issues: how the Ukrainian names are presented in Czech onomastic works, in particular in the Czech dictionary of the names of the famous Czech scholar Miloslava Knappova Jak se bude vaše dítě jmenovat? (2017). Its latest edition of 2017 covers 17 thousand Czech and other language names. In the glossary articles, the author between the foreign language parallels is also presenting corresponding Ukrainian names. Parents have the right to choose any of these names (Czech or foreign) for their child, its presence in the above-mentioned dictionary is a sufficient reason for the official record of the name.

The problem of the functioning of Ukrainian names in the Czech Republic is complicated by the fact that the Ukrainian language uses Cyrillic, and Czech uses Latin. Principles of the transfer of Ukrainian proper names, written by Cyrillic, by means of Czech graphic are given in the Rules of Czech spelling. The article concludes that the Czech spelling rules are very successful in presenting Ukrainian names, so they can be safely used as a reliable example.

As a result of the analysis, it became clear that the repertoire of Ukrainian names, which is represented in the Czech Dictionary of Names, is very rich and varied: it's 409 Ukrainian male names and 271 Ukrainian female names. They are recorded in Ukrainian dictionaries of names and correspond to the Ukrainian spelling of 307 male names and 217 female names.

The article analyzes the various problems that arise when the Ukrainian names are translated using Czech graphics. In particular, attention was paid to the problem of transferring the Ukrainian letter "г" in their personal names, the peculiarities of the letters "и" and "и", and the reproduction of the softness of the Ukrainian consonants. The transfer of the Ukrainian letter "є" and a general problem of the transfer of iotation in Ukrainian names were analysed. The frequency of the use of studied names in the Ukrainian anthroponymic is indicated. Proposals on possible expansion of the Ukrainian repertoire of parallels in the Czech Dictionary of Names in the future are expressed.


proper personal name; dictionary of names; spelling of names; Czech anthroponomy; Ukrainian anthroponomy

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Date of publication: 2019-12-31 19:00:38
Date of submission: 2019-02-28 20:04:47


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