The use of financial market instruments by local governments to maintain liquidity

Beata Zofia Filipiak


In recent years, growing interest of the local government units in the use of financial market instru- ments, testifies to the value of the growing public debt of local government. Local government units are increasingly seeking the opportunities to finance the tasks that are not covered in the budget. This article presents the problem of the use of financial market instruments and the rationale for making the choice of instruments in the financing of the tasks of local government units. The article addresses the issue of the legal possibility of using instruments of the financial market by government entities. It also presents empirical research about the decision-making process for choosing a debt instrument, the types of instruments used and the themes of their choice.

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Date of publication: 2015-05-23 19:36:25
Date of submission: 2015-04-16 17:46:51


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