The Competitive Position of Poland in Bio-Based Products Trade on the European Union Market

Aneta Jarosz-Angowska, Anna Nowak, Artur Krukowski


Theoretical background: The strategies for the development of the European Union presented at the beginning of the new century portrayed bioeconomy as a modern concept of ensuring the sustainable and dynamic development of EU member states and bioeconomy itself became an important area of interest to the EU authorities. At present, the development of bioeconomy is a significant element of implementing the economic development strategies of respective EU member states.

Purpose of the article: This article aimed to examine the international competitive position of Poland in the bio-based products trade on the common EU market in comparison to other member states of the EU.

Research methods: The competitive position in bio-based products trade was evaluated based on the following indicators: balance of trade, Poland’s share in EU exports and imports, trade coverage ratio, import penetration ratio, relative export orientation ratio, intra-industry trade intensity ratio, and export specialisation index. Groups of bio-based products identified based on an official classification of products according to CPA, version 2.1, consistent with NACE. The analysis was based on data derived from the Eurostat database for the years 2008–2017.

Main findings: The surveys imply that in 2008–2017, the competitive position of Poland improved mostly in the Forestry, Wood products, Paper and paper products, and Food sector, and in particular in the Tobacco products sector, which has been in line with the bioeconomy development strategy of the European Union.


bio-products; competitiveness indices; trade; bioeconomy, comparative advantage

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Date of publication: 2022-11-04 08:08:57
Date of submission: 2022-06-15 12:20:46


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