Organizational Resistance as the Next Phase of Improving and Building Up Competitive Advantage

Anna Henryka Matuszewska


Theoretical background: The article explores the concept of organizational resistance on the example of Supreme Energy LLC. The growing importance of company’s resistance and adaptability urged the author to examine a case of the medium-sized enterprise.

Purpose of the article: The main purpose of the study is to present a set of actions, which have influence on building up company’s resistance to the surrounding turbulences. However, the detailed aim of the paper is to point out those actions, which – according to the respondents – contribute the most to building up the resistance of Supreme Energy LLC (in short, known under the name of SE), one of the fastest growing and developing companies in the sector of renewable energy sources (in short, known under the name of RES) in Poland.

Research methods: In order to achieve the goal that was chosen in the study, the author decided to make use of monographic method as well as source materials, which were made available by the subject under research. Additionally, it should be noted that the author applied the original questionnaire form and the scenario of direct interview.

Main findings: The results showed the fundamental role of partnership in cooperation and the degree of motivation in building up the resistance of company to change. The research analyzes the resistance of company to the surrounding turbulences by making use of the original sales scripts prepared by SE LLC for internal use.


turbulences in surroundings; company’s resistance; motivation; management and organization; competitive advantage

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Date of publication: 2023-05-22 13:42:35
Date of submission: 2022-12-13 14:12:35


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