Ergonomics in the Polish Business Environment

Aleksandra Dewicka-Olszewska


Theoretical background: Economic processes, the COVID-19 pandemic, evolving technology and aspects of demographic change including, above all, an “ageing population” remaining on the labor market have brought about dynamic changes in many canons, beliefs and areas of activity for businesses and economic organizations. In line with the idea of humanocentrism and nurturing human capital (its knowledge and experience), companies are looking for new organizational and technological solutions, whose main objective is to ensure safety and quality of work. One of the techniques/sciences that integrate the achievements of many sciences humanizing the working and living environment so that it is friendly to the psychophysical and social needs of the user is ergonomics. Ergonomics is the science that deals with the adaptation of technology (machines and tools) and working conditions to the specific needs of the user, and through its multidisciplinary and multifaceted nature has many meanings, roles and characteristics.

Purpose of the article: The aim of this article is to answer questions related to the ergonomic activities of Polish enterprises and its application in practice. What does ergonomics give them? What is the source of inspiration in carrying out ergonomic activities? What is the purpose of conducting ergonomic activities? What is the essence and role of ergonomics in their business operations?

Research methods: In this article, based on literature research conducted by the European Statistical Office (Eurostat), Social Insurance Institution (ZUS), National Labour Inspectorate (PIP) and Statistics Poland (GUS), two authoritative questionnaires were created (under expert supervision) to investigate ergonomic activity in the Polish business arena. The first questionnaire was sent to 15,000 enterprises and searched for ergonomic activity in the business arena. The second questionnaire was sent to a narrower group of ergonomically active enterprises, which provided answers to 100 open and closed questions. The survey was conducted between 2020 and 2022.

Main findings: All three research assumptions were successfully achieved. Businesses were found, investigated and conclusions reached. Selected results from the questionnaire survey are presented in tabular form. The surveyed respondents, representatives of various business sectors of micro, small, medium and large enterprises, unequivocally stated that, in their opinion, ergonomics helps to modernise machinery and technology. In addition, ergonomic activity brings them closer to complying with current standards and legislation, thus, having a positive impact on quality, health and safety aspects. Ergonomic activity also gives entrepreneurs the opportunity to increase productivity, efficiency and work performance. Seeking ergonomic inspiration also contributes to increasing the potential of the knowledge economy.


ergonomics; ergonomic activity; entrepreneurship; health and safety at work; quality and productivity at work

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Date of publication: 2024-07-12 06:50:03
Date of submission: 2024-03-19 12:41:25


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