Selection of Location Factors in the Luxury Goods Sector Using Statistical Methods and the Grey Set Theory

Daria Motała, Paulina Sznajdrowska, Jowita Wysocka, Katarzyna Weiss, Karolina Zdych


Theoretical background: The area of interest undertaken in this publication is the impact of location factors on the high turnover of luxury goods sales. The selection of these factors was based on the results of previous studies available in the literature. However, they mainly concern the location of points of sale of each type of goods. Therefore, it was necessary to get acquainted with the specifics of trading in luxury goods and choose those among the factors that are associated with it.

Purpose of the article: The analysis covered not only the impact of the factors themselves, but also the links between them and the differentiation of the impact depending on the size of the agglomeration in which the places of sale are located.

Research methods: For this purpose, an in-depth statistical analysis and the grey set theory were used. The use of the theory of grey set is important in the case of the research carried out due to the ambiguity of the occurrence of all factors in relation to the sample analyzed. Some of them do not apply to the entire study population.

Main findings: The obtained results show the overall importance of location factors for achieving the expected level of turnover, as well as value them within the adopted categories.


luxury goods; grey set theory

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Date of publication: 2024-07-12 06:50:02
Date of submission: 2024-03-19 14:03:07


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