The Role of the Port of Busan in South Korea International Logistics

Mirosław Antonowicz, Adam Araszkiewicz


The authors in their article delineate the position of the Republic of Korea and the port of Busan on a logistic map of the world. They point out the port’s fundamental success factors together with past actions which allowed Busan to become a logistic centre of north-east Asia. In particular, the authors emphasize the role of the strategic location of the port in the transport corridors. Reflections on the role of the port of Busan are illustrated through statistics and rankings created by institutions of global importance, e.g. The World Bank and the OECD.


international logistics; transport corridor; logistics centre

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Date of publication: 2015-08-12 10:29:37
Date of submission: 2015-08-11 09:57:25


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