Rational Tax System in the Light of the Management’s Perception – a Theoretical Review

Jarosław Marczak, Jasna Bogovac


Taxes have always attracted interest for many reasons. States need them to meet their demand for public money and taxpayers know that taxes reduce their disposable funds. The importance of taxes has even increased in the present period of globalizing economies, integrating states, and expanding multinational corporations (MNC). Taxes collected in a country form a system, so it is quite natural to ask questions about the system’s performance. Is it adapted to the economic and social system of the country? Is it immune to adverse phenomena, such as tax havens? Can it compete with the tax systems in other countries? Simply speaking, is the system rational?

The main issue of this paper is to analyze and predict the important characteristics of tax legislation and practice of tax administration that make taxpayers feel confident doing business in a particular country and at the same time create a reliable environment for the government to lead fiscal policy by different fiscal instruments.


rational tax system; management’s perception; tax compliance

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17951/h.2016.50.1.421
Date of publication: 2016-04-03 14:40:29
Date of submission: 2015-08-11 14:43:05


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