The Well-Being of Managers in the Context of the Identity Brand of the Family Company

Radosław Baran, Beata Marciniak, Ewa Więcek-Janka, Beata Żelazko


Theoretical background: The article delves into the domain of qualitative research applied to investigating the well-being of managers within family businesses. It situates its discussion within the broader context of brand identity in such enterprises. Theoretical underpinnings include insights into the formation of well-being in family-run companies, highlighting the interconnectedness between managerial well-being and the identity of the family business.

Purpose of the article: Primarily methodological in nature, the article aims to delineate a systematic approach to conducting qualitative research specifically tailored to exploring the well-being of managers within the context of family business brand identity. It seeks to elucidate the process of uncovering the intricate links between managerial well-being and the identity of family-owned businesses, thus contributing to the understanding of how well-being manifests in such organisational settings.

Research methods: The article outlines an algorithmic framework designed to guide qualitative research endeavours focused on manager well-being within family businesses. It underscores the importance of employing both inductive and deductive approaches in qualitative research, as evidenced by a pretest conducted to discern their differential applications in this context.

Main findings: The key findings of the article revolve around the proposed algorithm for conducting qualitative research on the well-being of managers with respect to the brand identity of the family business brand. The study underscores the importance of qualitative methods in unraveling the complexities of well-being in the unique context of family-run enterprises. By elucidating the interrelationships between managerial well-being and brand identity, the research contributes to a deeper understanding of the dynamics at play within family businesses and offers valuable insights for both scholars and practitioners in this field.


brand; brand identity; family business; well-being; qualitative research

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Date of publication: 2024-07-12 06:49:57
Date of submission: 2024-04-28 16:59:54


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